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Minecraft PE for Android

Minecraft PE for Android

A lot of time hasn’t passed since Minecraft's live event in 2020. The developers at Mojang Studio are ready with their new test version of Minecraft PE 1.15,200.52. In the new beta pocket edition called the long-awaited caves and cliffs update is now ready. It's called mountain goats and powder snow. Before we look entirely into the new beta version with its different changes we must first answer something that must be on your mind. When will caves and cliffs become part of the update in Minecraft PE 1.16?   Mojang Studio developers added their first cave changes in version 1.16. This became so much more easy. Since the update has got so much interest from a large section of players, Mojang decided to gradually add newer content into the Minecraft world and provide players with functional worlds without bugs or glitches in them. To activate new features, add the experimental game mode by adding the caves and cliffs option in the map's settings.   What's new in the beta version of MCPE So let’s look at everything little thing that’s new in MCPE In the update, players can see new animals in Minecraft's world like mountain goats. There’s a new type of powder snow. The update has provided large numbers of bug fixes fixing a total of 53 bugs. Let’s start with mountain goats. They are called mountain goats because they spawn in the mountain biome and can very well live on those steep snowy mountains. These are also called mountain kings because of their ability to gallop on mountains effortlessly. The animals have reduced fall damage. They can make jumps quite unexpectedly and push other creatures like the player from mountains. They drop their horns if they hit a block or a tree.   There’s also a new kind of snow called powder snow. This is a unique type of snow and this snow can drown players in it. This is temporarily available in cave inventory. There’s no fall damage that happens from this snow. It sucks in the player and makes him pass through it. In order for the player to stay above the snow and not fall through, you need leather boots to make this possible. Leather boots allow a player to walk on powder snow effortlessly. Animals like mountain goats don’t face any issues when walking on this snow. The snow’s texture is different from normal snow. If the player gets inside this snow, he can see the fog’s texture. Let’s understand the bug fixes in more detail: Mojang fixed 53 different bugs but here are the most significant updates.  
  • Fixed crashes that happened during a flight in the Minecraft world.
  • Modified the system of reading text from the screen
  • Fixed items that disappeared from the double chests
  • Fixed items like compass disappearing from the hands of players when used with lodestone if the player plays in the creative mode.
  • Fixed cocoa bean generation
  • Fixed Netherite legging texture
  • Bees leave hives from the front.
  • Two piglins cannot pick up the same item that feel next to them.
  • Villages can’t steal jobs from each other
  • Fixed the command:/playsound
  • The max duration of the command /effect is 10000000 seconds
  • Fixed texture of zombified piglin
  • Fixed profile screen

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